You will always find at least one Chanel SLG sitting at the bottom of my work bag every single day, without fail. SLG’s, better known as Small Leather Goods, are exactly what you think they are: tiny leather luxury products with impeccable craftsmanship. This includes coin purses, wallets, keyholders, belts, phone cases, passport holders, WOC’s, agendas, and more! They are durable beyond belief. The preloved market is absolutely jammed with SLG’s, because the build quality and attention to detail given to these little lovelies last generations.
Picture this: It’s the middle of the year and you’ve just splurged on your dream bag. She’s stunning, yes, but the holiday season is about to roll over and you deserve just that perfect little something. The unboxing experience of a well-chosen SLG is second to none! You get to treasure the thrill of a luxury purchase with only a fraction of the cost. It’s so refreshing to be able to match your favorite bag with a dainty wallet or cardholder.
In the same vein, SLG’s are also the perfect gateway into the luxury realm. If you’re feeling nervy about committing to a full-sized bag, a belt is much easier to justify—and totally worth your money. We want to emphasize that the quality attached to these goods make them such a practical purchase. Chanel wallets somehow stay flat, light and compact even when packed full, making her the perfect addition to a workhorse bag.
There are events, too, where we want to show gratitude to the besties, moms, and loved ones that have been there for us time and time again. A sweet SLG could be the perfect testament to how much you value them in your life <3.
See our prized collection of SLG’s right here, on our newly-launched website.